Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management

(2019.12.1 Enactment)

Article 1 (Purpose)

This regulation aims to determine the composition and operation of the editorial committee (hereinafter referred to as “this committee”) in accordance with paragraph 8 of the rules of the Asian Sports Convergence Science Association.


Article 2 (Composition)

This committee is composed of the following members:

1. Editor-in-chief: 1

2. Editors: Less than 20


Article 3 (Election and Tenure)

1. The editor-in-chief is appointed by the president from among members with outstanding academic achievements.

2. The editorial board member is selected based on the recommendations of the editor-in-chief and appointed by the president. However, more than half of the editorial board members are not changed simultaneously.

3. The term of office of each of the editorial board members, including the editor-in-chief, is two years, but they can be reappointed.

4. When the term of office of the editor-in-chief ends, they are appointed as a research ethics committee member, while the editorial board members do their best in research ethics activities.


Article 4 (Functions)

The main tasks of this committee are as follows:

1. The committee receives submissions to the society’s official journal named Asia Pacific Journal of Applied Sport Sciences (hereinafter referred to as “APJASS”) and reviews their scope of publication.

2. The committee edits and publishes the articles of APJASS.

3. The committee also edits and publishes other academic books.


Article 5 (Operation)

1. This committee selects and commissions reviewers for each paper to assess the publication of papers submitted to APJASS and decides whether to publish the papers based on the reviewers' comments.

2. In principle, this committee meeting is held three times a year, but it can be convened when the chairperson deems it necessary or upon the request of a majority of the editorial members.

3. The meeting of this committee is conducted with the attendance of at least two-thirds of the editorial members, and resolutions are made with the consent of more than half of the attendees. The chairperson also votes, and in case of a tie, they hold the right to make the final decision.

4. The editor-in-chief may form subcommittees for each specific field as needed.

5. The editor-in-chief may appoint an editorial secretary to efficiently carry out their work.

6. The budget necessary for committee activities is organized by this committee and requested from the society's president.


Article 6 (Preparation and Reporting of Business Plan)

1. The committee must submit the annual business plan to the board of directors every year and obtain their approval.

2. The committee shall report the project outcomes to the board of directors and the general meeting.


Article 7 (Editing and Review)

1. APJASS is published three times a year in April, August, and December.

2. The editorial board is in charge of the review and adoption of papers according to the submission and thesis review guidelines.

3. At the end of each volume, the titles and biographical indexes of all sections published in the volume are posted.

4. Papers selected post review must be published within the shortest time.

5. The thesis review rules are in accordance with those of this society, and the selection of reviewers is conducted by the editor-in-chief in consultation with the editors.

6. The list of editors is published in each issue and at the end of the main text editorial.

7. The committee establishes separate rules for the submission and review of journal articles and publishes them on the website. The editor-in-chief or editorial board may refuse to accept articles that do not adhere to the editing and submission guidelines.

8. A predetermined review set by separate journal paper review regulations is conducted to decide whether the submitted research papers are to be published.

Article 8 (Exclusion of Review by Reviewers Belonging to the Same Institution as the Contributor)

In order to review papers submitted to our academic journal, the editorial committee must appoint two reviewers each in accordance with our society's paper review regulations. In this case, the appointed reviewer must belong to an organization different from the contributor.


Article 9 (Matters Outside the Regulations)

Matters not stipulated in this regulation are subject to the decision of this committee.



Article 10 (Revisions to Regulations)

1. Amendments to this regulation must be approved by the general meeting after deliberation among the board of directors of this society.

2. Such regulations take effect from the date of the general meeting’s approval.