Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management

(2019. 12. 1. Enactment)




Article 1 (Publication Date)

1. Asia Pacific Journal of Applied Sport Sciences (hereinafter referred to as APJAS) is the official academic journal of the Asian Society for Sport Convergence Sciences (hereinafter referred to as ASCS). and other related papers may be published according to the decision of the editorial board.

2. Paper submission deadline is the end of April, August, and December.

3. The journal is published three times a year, at the end of April, August, and December.


Article 2 (Publisher and Editor)

1. The publisher of APJASS shall be the president of the society.

2. The editor shall be the editor-in-chief.


Article 3 (Copyright Transfer and Use of Works)

1. Copyright for papers submitted to APJASS automatically belongs to the Society.

2. In principle, if it is used in other printed materials, it should be reported to the Society, except when it is used by the contributor theirself.


Article 4 (Review and Publication fee)

Review and publication fees are free.


Article 5 (Publication Order)

Manuscripts submitted to APJASS are judged according to strict procedures in accordance with the APJASS review rules, and then whether to publish or not, and the order of publication is in the order of the first submission date of the manuscript.


Article 6 (Responsibility for Paper)

For papers that have been reviewed and published according to the decision of the editorial board, the PDF for publication is checked directly by the author, and the responsibility for the final paper rests with the author.



Article 1 (Enforcement Date)

The enactment of this regulation follows the decision of the editorial board of the Society as of December 1, 2019.